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Team Nostalgiaana
Donate to Nostalgiaana
Team Nostalgiaana is a committed contributor to the cause of Musicians of Hindi Film Music (HFM) , the real unsung heroes of the songs that evoke so much Nostalgia in us. Many musicians live a life of penury and it has been our mission to help them, wherever possibly, through financial support. ANY AMOUNT YOU CONTRIBUTE IS WELCOME AND WILL OFFER SUCCOUR TO SOME MUSICIAN SOMEWHERE
50% of the contributions you make now will be given to Swar Aalap - a organization working towards the cause of Film Musicians for over two decades.
Besides this we regularly contribute 10% of our revenues from the R4 Weeknight shows to Swar Aalap. You can view our past contributions here
50% of the contributions you make now will be given to Swar Aalap - a organization working towards the cause of Film Musicians for over two decades.
Besides this we regularly contribute 10% of our revenues from the R4 Weeknight shows to Swar Aalap. You can view our past contributions here